empty spaces
This series is composed of images taken from the hours of midnight to 4 A.M. While the content within the images differs one thing remains consistent, emptiness. There are no cars, no people- just empty spaces. Spaces that at any point during the day would be filled with others.
This collection is not solely a documentation; it represents a particular state of mind. Often in life, we get caught up in our daily routines and normalcy to the extent that we become desensitized to our emotions. We become so desensitized that it's almost as if we are empty inside. We go to various places—stores, parks, gas stations—and we feel nothing. We fail to notice the beauty in the spaces around us and overlook the company of others. Not truly living just existing in our own personal patterns.
As I worked on this series, I was compelled to reassess the spaces I encountered during the day as opposed to at night. I began to perceive the people around me and cherish the camaraderie of individuals converging in one place with a shared purpose—whether it's as simple as buying groceries or attending a class. This realization struck me: loneliness is an irrational sentiment because more often than not, we are not alone; we are just too engrossed in our own thoughts to acknowledge the presence of everyone around us.